Moving Classics: Sonic Flux
2019 - 2023

Building on the 2014-2016 Creative Europe project ‘Moving Classics’ , Moving Classics: Sonic Flux (MCSF) was a project that creatively explored the condition of displacement through personal testimony, original music and AV/Film installations. It connected musicians and AV/Film artists with displaced people to explore stories of flux that have shaped the modern European identity.

The Project created six hybrid sonic & visual experiences enabling musicians and artists from all corners of Europe to work with diverse ethnographers, visual storytellers and communities along with the Project Partners and creative teams.

Starting with stories of internal displacement within countries, each new work created, zoomed-out to regional and transcontinental stories highlighting displacement as a human condition rather than a national one.

The project aims were to bring new voices into the creation of contemporary music and AV/Film (both experimental classical and electronica) by both representing the stories of displaced peoples and including them in the creative process. It aimed to highlight the condition of displacement as one of circumstance not nationality, starting with stories of people displaced within their own countries then zooming out to focus on regional and trancontinental displacement.

The research period of each project seeked to work with displaced people to bring their stories to the fore, resourcing and supporting the gathering of undocumented histories and personal narratives. It will allow for efficient and effective knowledge transfer by resourcing active collaborations across music, moving image and new technology.

The Sonic Flux Projects and Films

Project Finale supported by the Nordic House in Iceland


On the 23rd of February we hosted a final project event in the Nordic House in Reykjavik. Coming together to celebrate our collaborations and the amazing projects that have been created over the last 3 years and pull together our experiences, learning, friendships and what legacy the project can have moving forward. Ten artists attended along with several guests and people who have supported the project and it was a great opportunity for all to meet, share and establish further networks, right across Europe. This project was a rollercoaster ride, due to pandemic and the twist and turns that it caused but we all agreed that taking time and focusing on the themes of the project gave it substance and has created six original works that will live on, representing both the artists that created them as well as the overall project.
We showcased 4 artistic sonic shortfilms as per the programme below. Following the screening artists answered questions from the audience about their approach, their work and final films, working in international collaborations and about being a part of the project.

Images from the evening by Sabina Szkarlat

And a few more photos from Eyþór Árnason

Supported by and in collaboration with: