
“Displacement is not an exceptional experience”
- Dr. Georgina Ramsay-

The Project aims to explore and focus on the concept of displacement through personal stories in each host country. What does it mean in different context, cultures, political and natural situations? How is it experienced and how does the discourse around displacement, often in negative way, affect policy and resolution of the displaced. The overarching aim of this project is to be a part of a dialogue about changing discourse of displaced people, through artistic exploration and expression. Through 6 residencies of visual artist and musicians we want to created 6 artistic films exploring the concept of displacement through different personal stories and events with the emphasis on the visual and sonic as a collaborative exploration.

The project as a whole aims to change attitudes towards displaced people by weaving a narrative that begins at home not with the influx of 'outsiders'. It aims to demonstrate that displacement and migration is a fundamental aspect of the contemporary world and that a democratic and healthy society has to be prepared to adapt to the other in order to integrate and progress. In practice the project wants to bring more diverse voices into the cultural and artistic sector by supporting those excluded from the conversation to create work about their own communities and to provide a platform where these voices can be heard. We aim to promote a better, more open, less individualistic approach to producing work that we similarly want to communicate in the performance and presentation.

The Collaborative process of our Project is the most important aspects of how it comes to life. The interaction between the initial idea, a place, the artist, the story, the dissemination and the legacy all intertwine to create a wholistic end product and meaningful art. This gives an insight into our processes and gives a template to our collaborative process.

NATUR Artist Jez Dolan preforming his piece Is He On The Line in Hull 2019

NATUR Artist Jez Dolan preforming his piece Is He On The Line in Hull 2019

Dr. Georgina Ramsay anthropological approach of the concept of displacement has inspired the project to understand how an artistic and historical exploration into a meaning of a concept can surely affect how it is understood in present time.